Saturday, April 18, 2009

SQL Sets Maintenance Release

This release of SQL Sets is a maintenance release that addresses mostly usability issues as well as general bug fixes. The most notable enhancement is the addition of the Annotation Preview row added to the data window. This can be easily toggled on/off via the Annotation Preview button on the View menu. Thanks to Martin W. for all his great feedback.

 Annotatoin Preview

 Bug Fixes

  • Hide DropDown Connection in SQL Reader - No database connections allowed in Reader
  • Fix issue where Query Text window is minimized when app is minimized and then opened again
  • Fixed issue with “short” column names and index out of range
  • Fixed Best Fit/Best Fit All operation so that it applies algorithm to ALL rows in table
  • Update of Max Row Count on set options so that it saves correctly



  • By default, an "Annotation Preview" is shown for all rows that have Annotations. This can be toggled on/off.
  • On Mouseover of Annotation icon in grid, text of annotation appears in Tooltip
  • Esc key closes Annotation modal window
  • If Annotation has changed and Cancel or Esc is pressed, a confirmation dialog is displayed
  • Allow renaming annotations by clicking on them twice in the Annotations list


  • Allow renaming bookmarks by clicking on them twice in the Bookmarks list

Row Detail

  • Esc Key closes window

Main Data Grid

  • ** When Enter key is pressed on Grid, the Row Detail dialog is displayed for currently selected row

Saturday, April 4, 2009

SQL Sets 1.5 Released – Now With Compare Sets

I'm very excited to announce the release of SQL Sets 1.5! It's been about two months since the last official release, but I think the wait and effort has been worth it. The killer feature I've been working on is the ability to do full compares on two distinct data set documents. The result is what is a called a Compare Set.

What this means is you can take a data set document you created two weeks (minutes, hours, days) ago based on query N and compare the results to a data set document you created today, also based on query N. You will get a line-by-line, field-by-field result set showing updates, inserts and deletes (in addition to those rows that haven't changed). The resulting Compare Set, which is itself a Portable Data Set Document, can be saved, shared, bookmarked and annotated.

I really think the utility of this feature is something that will be enjoyed by developers, testers, database folks and auditors alike. The ability to quickly see what changed in your data sets as a result of normal business activity, a coding change or a data migration can be invaluable.

With the introduction of the Compare Set feature, we've also started offering two  versions of SQL Sets: SQL Sets Standard and SQL Sets Professional. It is the Professional version of SQL Sets that includes the new Compare Set functionality. The remainder of the updates include bug fixes, optimizations and better support for large data sets.